Our Lady's, Terenure
Cyber Week
20 Feb 2023
Today marked the start of our second annual Cyber Week. We are aiming to highlight all the wonderful aspects of the digital world, as well as working together to be better online and address cyberbullying. We had a range of activities running including our new STEM kit building, our mini arcade and the House Cyber Olympics. A great start to what should be a fantastic week!A reminder to parents that on Tuesday February 21st at 8pm, Webwise; the Irish internet safety awareness centre is delighted to host the Talk, Listen, Learn Online Safety Webinar for parents/guardians of teens. The webinar will explore the opportunities and risks for children online, offer practical advice to support parents, highlight key resources/supports and answer some frequently asked questions. The TikTok Safety team will also provide a short explainer on how TikTok works and some key safety features. You can register for the event here: https://pdst-ie.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_rn6NSyn9Q5KDcZxYheJZTA