Holy Well National School
My Canine Companion School Therapy Dog, Ken
02 Mar 2023
My Canine Companion puppy in training Ken is working hard at Holy Well N.S. He is a happy, fun-loving, and enthusiastic Golden Doodle. He is currently completing his 2-year training programme in school whilst attending monthly puppy training classes run by the charity, My Canine Companion. Ken is supporting the children of Holy Well N.S. and has been putting a smile on the faces of pupils and staff alike since his arrival in October 2022. When he is fully qualified, one of Ken’s most important roles will be to help children who experience high levels of anxiety and stress. He has a calming effect on the children, reducing stress and anxiety levels and making school a more positive experience for all. He is also a great listener and likes to hear the children reading their readers and library books. Ken is a fantastic addition to Holy Well N.S. and we are discovering more and more of the benefits he is having each week. We look forward to seeing his progress in training and can only imagine what’s yet to come when he is fully qualified and working full-time. Frequently Asked Questions: How do I know that my child will be safe around the dog? A risk assessment and policy is in place. When moving around the school, the dog will always be under effective control. Children will receive instruction on how to interact safely with dogs. Will my child pick up infections from the dog? Ken is fully vaccinated, treated regularly for worms and fleas and will not attend school if ill. Children are required to wash their hands before and after handling the dog. There will be a dedicated dog toilet area away from areas that children access. Dog waste is always disposed of carefully. What if my child is allergic to dogs or afraid of them? Parents can request that their child has no contact, or restricted access to the dog in these situations. Should your child have an allergy to dogs, or a phobia of dogs please contact the principal, Aidan Crowley by email to office@holywellns.ie .