Displaying 51-60 of 330 results.
Winter reports available on VSware
Created : 12 Dec 2023, 1:05 PM
Archived : 22 Dec 2023, 11:50 AM

Dear Parents/Guardians,

The Winter reports have been published and can now be viewed by logging into your Vsware account and clicking on assessment/term assessment. From here, a copy of the report can be downloaded and printed for your records. This can be done by clicking on actions/download results. 

Kind regards, School Office

Lost property
Created : 20 Dec 2023, 12:33 PM
Archived : 22 Dec 2023, 11:50 AM

Dear parents/guardians,

We have a large number of coats, hoodies, gloves, bottles, pencil cases and other school materials in our lost property area located in main office. Anything labelled with a student’s name will be returned to them this week. However, any items not labelled will be either donated to charity, re-used for classroom teaching or disposed of, as appropriate. If your child has left anything in the school over the past six weeks, please ask them to check lost property area in the office before 11.00am on Friday 22nd December.

Kind regards, School Office

Basketball cancelled this week
Created : 19 Dec 2023, 9:18 AM
Archived : 21 Dec 2023, 12:00 AM

Boys & girls basketball will recommence after the Christmas break. 

Jolly Jumper Day/Winter Wonderland - Tues 19th Dec.
Created : 18 Dec 2023, 5:05 PM
Archived : 20 Dec 2023, 12:00 AM

Winter Wonderland

T.Y. 4B Mini Company are hosting a Winter Wonderland market tomorrow. If students would like to buy anything they should bring cash (coins preferably).

Jolly Jumper Day  

Student Council are organising a Jolly Jumper Day in aid of the ISPCC. Students participating should bring in 2e donation. Prize for jolliest jumper will be judged by SC members in the morning and prize will be a 10e voucher for the Winter Wonderland.

Literacy Screening Information
Created : 21 Nov 2023, 8:40 AM
Archived : 18 Dec 2023, 11:00 AM

Dear Parents/Guardians,

HCETSS is committed to developing and promoting the literacy skills of our students.  As part of this work, over the coming weeks, we intend to screen all First Years’ literacy skills by looking at their reading, spelling and writing.  We are doing this to help us identify students’ strengths and needs in order to plan our literacy supports.

The screening test we are using is called the Post Primary Assessment & Diagnosis-English (or PPAD-E for short).  The National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS), working with the Educational Research Centre (ERC), recently designed this test specifically for students in Irish post primary schools.

The PPAD-E has five parts: reading and understanding passages, spelling, written work, reading speed, and word reading. Four of the five parts of the PPAD-E are completed in class groups.  This takes approximately one hour to complete. The final part, a short word reading task, is done individually, with a teacher in the school.  The test is suited to all ability levels, including students who struggle with reading.

There is no need for your child to prepare in advance.  The purpose of the test is to help us know when someone may need extra help with learning, and what kind of help might be best.  As we identify those students who require extra help, we will be able to tailor classroom instruction to meet those needs and give targeted interventions to those who need it.

Following the assessment, the ERC receives an anonymised dataset from the school that contains only school ID and test scores.  The ERC uses this information to know how many tests are being taken, to manage printing and supplies, and also to use as a basis for future development of the PPAD-E test. Your child’s information will not be identifiable because the student names, IDs or any other identifying information, will not be shared by the school with the ERC.

Thank you for your continued support.

 Kind regards,

Padraig Conaty


First Year Parent Teacher Meeting on 14/12 from 4:15pm to 6:45pm
Created : 11 Dec 2023, 12:38 PM
Archived : 18 Dec 2023, 10:59 AM

Dear Parents/Guardians,

As per school calendar, our First Year parent teacher meetings will take place this Thursday 14th December in person at the school from 4.15pm to 6.45pm.

During the meetings, teachers will be situated in a number of classrooms as per below.

Room 20 (Block 1):  Rhianna Costello, Lorraine Galvin, Claudia Murtagh  

Room 26 (Block 2): Daniel Clark, Leonna Condron, Laura Power

Room 27 (Block 2): Laoise Slattery, Ciara Mealy, Shane Hynes       

Room 28 (Block 2): Niamh Hogan, Amy Kerins, Deirdre McGauran, Caoimhe McHugh

Room 30 (Block 2): Amie Hughes, Aideen Kinsella, Conor Halton, Niamh Small

Room 32 (Block 2): Gráinne McInerney, Ryan McGill, Emily O’Dwyer, Gerard Vickery

Support Centre Room 15: Nicola McCann

Upon arrival you will be greeted by our student council members who will direct you to the classrooms being used. Please note that the majority of the teachers will be in the classrooms in block 2, however one classroom is being used in block 1 (room 20).  All classrooms will have a sign with the room number and there will also be information beside the entrance to the classroom, outlining which teachers are holding meetings in that room. If you cannot find a teacher you are looking for, please ask one of our student council members, they will be wearing high visibility bibs and will be more than happy to help. 

As can be the case with secondary school parent teacher meetings, it will not be possible to speak to all of your child’s teachers on the night and we would encourage you to prioritise the teachers who you particularly wish to speak to. Teachers who appear highlighted in red will be particularly busy and will likely have longer queues as they teach 3 or more classes in this year group (90 students approx).

Each meeting will last for a maximum of 6 minutes and the meetings will finish at 6.45pm sharp. We do expect there to be some queuing therefore the earlier you arrive the more teachers you will have the opportunity to talk to. From our experience, peak times tend to be from 5.30 to 6.45pm.

Before you come to the meeting, it is important that you are aware of who your child’s teachers are. You will be able to find this information by logging in to your Vsware parent account and clicking on ‘timetable’. The winter report which you are due to receive on Tuesday afternoon of this week will also highlight who your child’s teachers are. We would ask that you bring a hard copy or that you can access a soft copy on your device of this report for the meetings. 

Please note that there is no parking on site and the vehicle gates will be locked.

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday.


Kind Regards,

Pádraig Conaty, Principal 

Mick Heffernan, Deputy Principal                                                                         


Parent ADHD Information Event on Tuesday 5/12 at 7pm
Created : 05 Dec 2023, 9:56 AM
Archived : 18 Dec 2023, 10:59 AM

Dear parents/guardians,

On behalf on ADHD Ireland we would like to invite all interested parties to the Parent ADHD Information Event today, on Tuesday 5/12 at 7pm. Please see below the link to a Zoom meeting:

ADHD Ireland is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Parent information session

Time: Dec 5, 2023 07:00 PM Dublin

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 854 1898 3453

Passcode: 861459

Kind regards, 

School Office

College Awareness Week - speakers needed
Created : 07 Nov 2023, 10:11 AM
Archived : 18 Dec 2023, 10:59 AM

Dear parents/guardians,

We are running College Awareness Week at HCETSS, from the 11th to the 15th of December. As part of this, we are looking for guest speakers to talk to the students about their own experiences at school, college/university/apprenticeship, and working life from 8:45-12:00 on Friday 15th December. The session with the different year groups are only 30 minutes long so even if you are only available for one session that is ok too.  

If you are interested in taking part in this activity or have a link to anyone else who you may think would be interested, please contact Lorraine at lorrainegalvin@hcetss.ie for all the details.

Thank you,  Lorraine

Ger Vickery absent today
Created : 14 Dec 2023, 2:02 PM
Archived : 18 Dec 2023, 10:59 AM

Dear parents/guardians, 

Ger Vickery is absent today, so he will not be able to meet you at the Parent Teacher Meeting.

Kind regards, School Office

Basketball training cancelled this week
Created : 05 Dec 2023, 9:30 AM
Archived : 10 Dec 2023, 12:00 AM

Basketball will not take place today Tues 5/12 or tomorrow Wed 6/12.