Displaying 11-20 of 221 results.
Irish Guide Dogs For The Blind Visit
Created : 24 Apr 2024, 11:36 AM
Archived : 24 Jun 2024, 12:00 AM

We were delighted to welcome Issac (Golden Retriever), Kinder (Lab Retriever) and their minders Antoinette and David from Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind to HFSS on Monday. In what has become an annual visit, the students learned all about the invaluable work of Irish Guide Dogs for The Blind during Tutor Time and Isaac and Kinder spent the morning walking through the school, visiting classrooms and delighted students on their way. We raised 125 euro for IGDB and the school is now sponsoring a puppy. What a wonderful way to start the week! 

Leinster Girls U18 Rugby Squad 2024
Created : 19 Apr 2024, 5:45 PM
Archived : 19 Jun 2024, 12:00 AM

Congratulations to 5th year (and newly appointed Deputy Captain for 2024-25!) Kate Miller who has been selected for the Leinster Rugby U18 Training programme this summer. Kate will form part of the player development squad training over the summer months, many of whom will participate in the Interprovincial Championships also later this summer. Kate plays with PortDara.

Well done Kate. 

Huge congratulations to the Newbridge RFC Senior Women's Team in their win last weekend to take the Leinster Division 5 Plate Final. Great to see so many HFSS past pupils on the team.


First Year Basketball
Created : 19 Apr 2024, 9:22 AM
Archived : 19 Jun 2024, 12:00 AM

The First Year basketballers competed in the All Ireland Playoffs today against three other regional champions in Carrickmacros, Monaghan.  We won the first game with a bit to spare against Colaiste na Coiribe, Galway.  The second game was very close for the first half, against Alexandra College, Dublin. But scoring 10 points in a handful of minutes in the third quarter meant we went into a third, winner takes all game against the hosts, Inver College, Carrickmacross.  This was the slowest start of the day, facing into half time 13 points adrift of the hosts.  However, HFSS dug into their reserves, and slowly crept back, and with two minutes of time remaining levelled the game.  This was an epic comeback that took a huge amount of energy, that alas, we ran out of, and the hosts crept ahead to win by 3.  The team can be tremendously proud of their progress, getting so close to the All Ireland semi final, that will surely be the benchmark for next year.  Well done girls!

Transition Year 'Tiny Forest' planting
Created : 18 Apr 2024, 11:17 AM
Archived : 18 Jun 2024, 12:00 AM

TY students planted a Tiny Forest of 140 native Irish saplings on the school grounds last week. This project promotes sustainability and will benefit biodiversity in the school.

Thanks to Living Woodlands for providing the materials and expertise, to Anthony Neville Home for their generous financial contribution and to the students and staff who helped complete this project.

We look forward to seeing these saplings grow and develop alongside our students over the coming years.

Athletic Mentor Visit
Created : 18 Apr 2024, 11:15 AM
Archived : 18 Jun 2024, 12:00 AM

On Tuesday our first years had the privilege of a visit from Anne-Marie Doran, who is one of the Athlete Mentors working in conjunction with the Lidl #SeriousSupport programme, a new schools programme funded by Lidl and delivered in partnership with the LGFA and The Youth Sport Trust


Anne-Marie is a former Ladies Gaelic footballer who has won an All Ireland with her county and played at international level with Shinty Compromise Rules in Scotland, has most recently came 3rd in the Ironman (3.8km swim, 180km cycle, 42.2 km run) in Youghal and represented Ireland in the world triathlon Championships in Hamburg in July 2023.


Anne-Marie spoke to all first years in the morning and then completed the second of her work shops with a first year group. This talk and workshop is run by Lidl with a team of elite LGFA Players who use the lessons learnt through sport to help young people reach their full potential and we are very lucky to have been chosen for the programme. Please learn more about and support her business at https://amellacoaching.com/.


After lunch TY GAA leaders thoroughly organised and brilliantly facilitated a 1st Year Gaelic Football Blitz for all first year students. With only the briefest of downpours the games commenced and it was a wonderful event that allowed all students the opportunity to be active, engage in healthy competition and to support their fellow first year students too. Well done to all involved and congratulations to the winning team pictured.


5th Years' Art Class Sculpture Workshop with Kildare sculptor and artist, Mary Ferris
Created : 09 Apr 2024, 4:58 PM
Archived : 09 Jun 2024, 12:00 AM
IMRO Workshop with Christy Moore
Created : 23 Mar 2024, 3:28 PM
Archived : 23 May 2024, 12:00 AM
What a day filled with music magic!

A handful of our talented music students from 1st to 3rd year had the incredible opportunity to participate in an IMRO funded Song Writing Workshop led by the amazing singer/songwriter Luan Parle.

We were very excited to have the legendary Christy Moore as our special guest. Students were treated to a captivating mini-interview with Christy, soul-stirring performances, shared musical moments, and gained insights into Christy's illustrious career, breaking into the music industry, and life on the road.
To end the day, the students performed their original song "Frozen in The Memory". earning an applause and an enthusiastic thumbs up from the man himself!

It was a day of pure joy and inspiration for both our students and staff. One that we're certain will remain 'Frozen in the(ir) Memory' forever.
Seachtain na Gaeilge 2024
Created : 20 Mar 2024, 1:32 PM
Archived : 20 May 2024, 12:00 AM

Bhí seachtain lán le ceiliúradh againn an tseachtain seo caite - bhain gach duine, idir daltaí agus múinteoirí - an-sult as!

Beatha teanga í a labhairt ! ️

Relove Fashion Competition Finalists
Created : 20 Mar 2024, 11:22 AM
Archived : 20 May 2024, 12:00 AM
Best of luck to Sinead McGrath (1st year) and Laura-Jane Kaye & Caoimhe O'Connor (5th year) who are through to the the final of the Relove Fashion competition. The competition will take place in the Rediscovery Centre in Ballymun on Thursday 21st March. The finalists outfits are on display in the Rediscovery Centre until Wednesday 20th March. Congratulations on making it to this stage of the competition!
A wonderful Spring Concert evening for our 6th year Music class
Created : 20 Mar 2024, 10:42 AM
Archived : 20 May 2024, 12:00 AM

Wishing them every success in their Music Practicals in April.